Auger Hanger
Airplane Hanger Builder Ohio

Year Built: 2015
Building Type: Airplane Hangar
Building Dimension: x x
Sq. Feet:
Built in 2015, this 4400 square foot hanger building resides in none other than Put-In-Bay, Ohio! Shipped directly to the dock and ferried over to the island on a special shipping vessel, Steelsmith erected the steel hangar and accompanying lean-to in just a week. Designed with Exposure C and the ability to withstand 90 miles per hour wind, the installation included a 6" roof and 4" wall insulation package, three man doors and a 70 foot by 14 foot high powered hydraulic door.
With successful planning for the logistics in shipping and hauling the steel, equipment and manpower to and from the island, Steelsmith, Inc. successfully met the expectaions ensuring we can continue our salutation as a premier airplane hanger builder in OH.